Early Treatment

The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) recommends that a child receive his or her first orthodontic screening by age 7 or 8 when the top and bottom front teeth are just starting to erupt. With early screening we are able to recognize potential problems and address them before they become more serious. This will save you and your child time and money by minimizing or preventing future problems before they begin. Early interceptive orthodontic, also known as “Phase 1” treatment, has proven to be beneficial for the overall desired result when older. During your child’s initial evaluation, we will first determine if there are any problems that need to be addressed, such as potential crowding, open bite, overbite or gummy smiles. The Phase I treatment plan can include preventive, interceptive or modifying treatment. Orthodontic appliances may be placed to prevent a problem from occurring, correct a current problem or help direct jawbone growth. Multiple problems with tooth alignment, gums, jaws and facial problems can be corrected with Phase I treatment.To find out if your child is a candidate for early interceptive treatment, please contact our office (link) to schedule an initial evaluation

Adolescents and Teens

The majority of orthodontic patients are adolescents and teens with treatment initiated after all primary teeth have been lost and the permanent teeth have erupted. Oftentimes there is still potential for growth that helps with some bite corrections. In general, teeth move easily during the teenage years. Treatment is usually comprised of traditional braces and/or special devices to help align the jaws. Invisible aligners using technology from Invisalignmay also be a great option. Without a doubt, correcting malignments, improving function, and creating great smiles improves teenagers self esteem and confidence. Contact our office to schedule a complimentary consultation

Adult Treatment

More and more adults today are seeking orthodontic treatment to improve their smile. We offer a full range of treatments specifically designed for adults – leaving you with a dramatically different smile and healthier bite. Orthodontic treatment is not only designed to improve the appearance of your smile, but the health of your teeth and gums as well. By seeking orthodontic treatment as an adult, you can possibly avoid severe tooth decay, gum and bone loss, irregular wear of the tooth enamel and TMJ/TMD pain. We offer a wide variety of treatment options to meet the individual needs and desires of each of our adult patients. From traditional braces to invisible aligners and methods of accelerated treatment, we are confident we can help you achieve and maintain the beautiful, healthy smile you’ve always dreamed about. Don’t ever feel it’s too late to achieve the smile you have always wanted! Contact us to schedule a complimentary consultation today!


We offer advanced orthodontic diagnostic technology with digital imaging, clear brackets, invisible aligners using Invisalign and exciting technology through Acceledent that can drastically speed up treatment times. Contact our office to learn more about these exciting advancements can help make your orthodontic treatment more efficient and comfortable.